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MacLeish Field Station

The Ada and Archibald MacLeish Field Station, a uniquely liberal arts field station, 是附近惠特利的一块250英亩的森林和牧场的拼凑地,为澳门葡京博彩软件社区的所有成员(学生, 教师, 工作人员, and alum) to pursue artistic inquiry, environmental research, outdoor education and low-impact recreation.  学生是野外工作站不可或缺的一部分:他们帮助管理土地, 为他们的同行设计方案,并参与制定野外工作站运行的关键决策. 柏克德环境教室为麦克利什用户提供会议和干燥实验室空间. 




Whether holding a meeting, launching a class into the surrounding woods, or warming up with a cup of tea, the classroom building is the hub for Field Station activities. The building contains a seminar and lecture space, 一个“干燥”的实验室, 小办公室, and a kitchenette. Constructed in 2012 with grant support from the S. D. 贝克特尔小. 基金会, 该建筑被指定为第五座完全认证的生活建筑, having completed the rigorous Living Building Challenge overseen by the International Living Futures Institute. 建筑的创新设计本身就是一个教学工具,欢迎您要求参观和参观.  The building is available for Five College 类, independent student projects, 可以在25Live上预订,也可以联系保罗·吉姆, field station manager, at if 25Live is not available to you.


麦克利什野外站代表了一个经典的新英格兰景观,在野外站经理和其他CEEDS工作人员的指导和支持下,教职员工和学生的项目具有无限的潜力. 在麦克列许 t在这里 is space to think big and try new ideas. 比如户外艺术项目和装置,或者深入了解新英格兰的景观历史. The multi-aged forests provide sites for environmental research, poetic inspiration, or the backdrop for dance or theater productions.  现有和旧牧场鼓励对牧场管理进行调查, 生物学领域, or invasive plant species ecology and mitigation. 小溪和春天的池塘为水生研究提供了场所. 要讨论潜在的项目,请联系保罗·吉姆,现场站长,地址:

The 艺术在战场上 program is designed to encourage work in, and collaboration across, 艺术, 人文学科, and sciences at the Ada and Archibald MacLeish Field Station. Named for an artist and a poet respectively, the field station has always been a truly liberal arts space, home to scientific research, art installations, 舞蹈节目, 写作撤退, star-gazing programs, 还有更多. 艺术在战场上 formalizes that commitment.

艺术领域计划的一个方面是模仿一个常见的学术研究站模型, the Long-Term Ecological Research Program, and adapted for Smith’s liberal arts mission. 麦克利什大学为艺术和人文学科制定了十个“研究计划”, 在艺术家, 游客, and students alike are invited to pause, 反映, 和创建.

艺术在战场上 is an initiative of the Center for the Environment, Ecological Design, and Sustainability (CEEDS), and is co-chaired by Joanne Benkley, Associate Director of ES&P和CEEDS 米歇尔·维克, a lecturer in psychology.


To Understand a Tree这是现任驻场艺术家吉娜·西佩尔(Gina Siepel)正在进行的多学科项目. 

Ecotones——由艺术家Gabrielle Russomagno设计并安装在麦克利什的土方雕塑.  Ecotones comprises two distinct temporal art works—The Tell of Grass (2021)和 接地 (2022)——用从190英亩的山顶森林中收获的材料制成.  

艺术在战场上 Long-Term Ecological Reflection program plots on this website created by Tess Abbot ’19.

天气状况在麦克利什的两个地点连续监测:在25米高的塔顶的森林冠层上方,在离地面2-10米的森林空地上. 两个站点测量的天气变量包括大气压力, 温度, relative humidity, 太阳辐射, and wind speed and direction. 在森林采伐现场,还测量了地下1米以下不同深度的土壤湿度和温度. 这些数据提供了当地天气状况的记录,以支持麦克利什的研究项目. Please contact 保罗·吉姆, field station manager, at (; 413.585.2646) for access to the weather and soil data.

安装在25米高的塔上的摄像机记录了麦克利什森林树冠的每日照片(主要研究.edu/webcam/sites/macleish). 这款相机, 和麦克利什, is a member of PhenoCam, An Ecosystem Phenology Camera Network, a network of 530 sites around the world. The latest image may be seen 在这里:主要研究.edu/data/latest/macleish.jpg.

The field station is also home to an EarthScope Station L61B seismometer. The three-component broadband sensors continuously sense, 记录和传输来自大范围震源的地面运动, including local and distant earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other natural and human-induced activities.


每年在麦克利什工作的学生实习生都会在那里策划一些活动. 过去的活动包括在柏克德环境教室里举办音乐会,以及在车站黑暗的天空下观星.

检查 Green 事件 Calendar for information about upcoming events and how to sign up.

麦克利什野外研究站全年都可供教师进行研究, 实地考察旅行, and independent student projects. 欲了解更多信息,请联系保罗·吉姆,现场站经理,在


麦克利什野外站是“低元素”挑战课程的所在地. 这个令人兴奋的资源是由Trish Jackson慷慨捐赠的, former vice president of development for the college, and was designed and constructed by High 5 Adventure of Brattleboro, 佛蒙特州.

The course and its facilitators engage student organizations, 房子, 室外项目, 体育团队, 类, student government leaders, residential life 工作人员, 行政和学术部门的成员参与安全和具有挑战性的活动,可以使团体更紧密地联系在一起, reveal important issues about power dynamics, and improve communication strategies.

For more information, contact To inquire about use of the challenge course click 在这里.

Field Archery Course

麦克利什的野外射箭课程允许弓箭手在不同的室外环境中射击目标. 赛道设有七个站点,目标距离从5码到45码不等,位于铁杉径的南部和西部(红色标记)。.

现场射箭课程是提供给澳门葡京博彩软件社区和外部团体与许可.  Use of the course requires special training. Please contact 保罗·吉姆, field station manager, at

过夜露营仅限于澳门葡京博彩软件社区和访问研究人员. 有两个指定的露营区,必须提出正式申请才能获得许可[见下文], ideally seven days in advance. 团体场地位于栗树果园北部,距离停车场约半英里,可容纳12至15人. 偏远的营地可容纳6至8人,位于该物业的北部边界.

Both campsites are primitive. 火灾仅限于在指定的火圈内的两个营地. 火必须小,适合烹饪(不要大火),在睡觉或离开前必须完全熄灭. 只收集地面上的枯木——不允许砍伐活木或带离现场的柴火.

To reserve overnight camping, use the 在线表单.



营火圈拥有麦克利什最好的视野,是集体营火的好地方. Firewood, kindling, and seating for about 10 people are provided. Use of the fire circle is limited to the 澳门葡京博彩软件 community.

To reserve the 篝火圆, use the 在线表单.


Take a Virtual Tour of MacLeish

看看并了解您可以使用野外工作站工作和休闲的所有方式! Let 保罗·吉姆, Field Station Manager, be your guide!

A Field Guide to MacLeish

Scientific inquiry flourishes at MacLeish Field Station, 那里的学生, 教师, 社区成员探索美丽多样的动植物生态系统.

Research at MacLeish
Scientific inquiry flourishes at Smith's MacLeish Field Station.



教师 Director of CEEDS


Biological Sciences


Field Station Manager




Outdoor Adventures

Christiane Métral
